- Content theme agreed by the client and directed by Seven West MINT.
- Images and supporting assets supplied by client, content written and article built by MINT team.
- If necessary photography and video can be commissioned and carried out by MINT team.
- Microcontent such as quiz widgets can be included at an additional cost. Content is predominantly story driven.
To align the client’s brand with content that delivers value for audience, value for the sponsoring brand and value for the content platform via an immersive rich long-form storytelling format.

Content Style & Tone | MINT assisted direction with editorial discreation, opportunity for brand intergation where appropriate |
Slug | “Sponsored” and “In partnership with” |
Ad integration | If releveant there is the possibility to include: Billboard 970px wide x 250px high, Leaderboard 728px wide x 90px high, MREC on mobile 300px high x 250px wide |
Client Logo | Yes incorporated within template guidelines Prefered 1:1 or 2:1 eps format or transparent png |
Client Colour Palette | Can be incorporated within template guidelines where necessary and appropriate |
Vanity URL setup | UTMs and click trackers can be used – client to supply |
Font selection available | Limited selection, can be incorporated within template guidelines where necessary and appropriate |